Howard Miller Service And Repair Center

Clock Repair Service is an Authorized Howard Miller Clock Service and repair center. We have been servicing and repairing all brands of clocks since 2003. Our technicians are factory trained and continue our clock repair education through the N.A.W.C.C. School in Columbia Pennsylvanian. We are here to keep your family heirloom up and running at its peak performance. We understand that your Howard Miller clock has sentimental value to you and your family that's why we treat each clock that comes into our shop as if it were our own. We love clocks and truly enjoy fixing every one of them.

If You Can't Bring Your Clock Into Us
You can Always Mail It In

We understand that there are fewer and fewer clock repair shops in the country, this is why we offer a mail in service for clock repair. Our service is simple, just contact us prior to sending your clock, answer a few questions then we will instruct you on how to send us your clock safely and securely. We receive clocks from all over the country and Canada for minor servicing to major repairs.
We Recommend Using UPS
Although we have had great service from all delivery companies, we have found UPS to be a bit more accommodating when it comes to shipping your mantle or wall clock to our shop for repairs. If you do not want to pack up your clock yourself, your local UPS store will do everything for you. You can simply bring your clock into anyone of their stores and they will professionally pack and ship your clock to us.
Once we receive your clock , you will be notified by both UPS as well as by our shop. We will take the time to personally inspect the UPS box as well as inspect the contents of the box to make sure your clock has arrived undamaged. Clock Repair Service has offered a mail in service for over 10 years now and we receive all types of clocks through the mail, UPS and FedEx, with rarely any issues. Although it is important on how a clock is packed and shipped to us, it is more important how the clock is packed and shipped back to you after the repairs were made.
our company takes pride in everything they do and packing and shipping is one thing we take extra care in.
So, if you are ready to send your clock into us, give Meredith a call at 678-462-7856 or contact us and she will walk you through the process.